This is our model: living like Christ in community as He forms us into Spirit-led, lifelong learners and followers. This is our goal for every student and leader.
As you lead your kids ministry on this pathway, AG Kidmin wants to partner with you by providing resources, strategies, and practical solutions to help you meet your ministry goals.
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Disciples love and understand God’s Big Story. They begin to trust what God’s Word says, obey it, and understand that God made them for a purpose.
Disciples are born again, understand that the Holy Spirit is God, understand His roles (Comforter, Teacher, etc.), sense God’s presence, and are beginning to learn how to hear God’s voice and exercise their gifts.
Disciples learn to connect to God through prayer by talking to God, listening to God, and telling God how they feel and what they need, expecting Him to move.
Disciples know God uniquely designed each person and has a plan for them. They seek to share their faith, discover their purpose, and care for others. They develop an awareness, love, and appreciation for all people.
Disciples experience God as they begin to respond to Him in worship, showing how much they love Him and want to obey Him. They understand that God is worthy of their worship because of who He is.
Disciples understand the meaning and importance of serving and understand that God has a plan to save all people so they may serve Him and each other.
Disciples develop a heart of compassion for all people that leads to generosity and learn to freely share possessions and God’s love with others.